Certified Coding Associate (CCA) Exam Preparation
Certified Coding Associate (CCA) Exam Preparation [With CDROM] (AHIMA Exam Preparation)provides ICD-9-CM and CPT® practice you need to face the CCA certification exam with confidence. The practice exams and practice questions included on the accompanying CD-ROM simulate the exam experience and provide opportunities to apply your knowledge and skills.
CCA Exam Preparation includes general exam information and covers the following CCA domains:
- Domain 1: Classification Systems
- Domain 2: Reimbursement Methodologies
- Domain 3: Health Records and Data Content
- Domain 4: Compliance
- Domain 5: Information Technology
- Domain 6: Confidentiality and Privacy
- Includes 500 multiple choice questions organized by the CCA domains
- Answers include rationales and references to enhance learning
- CD-ROM provides simulated exam experience:
- 200 practice questions organized by the CCA exam domains
- Three timed, self-scoring practice exams that can be run in practice and exam simulation mode
- CCA domains and tasks are revised in this edition