Publication Date: December 31, 2012 | ISBN-10: 160151669X | ISBN-13: 978-1601516695 | Edition: 2013
Accurately report supplies and services for physician, hospital outpatient, and ASC settings with the Ingenix HCPCS Level II Expert. Use this comprehensive reference for the HCPCS code set that focuses on management of reimbursement.

This user-friendly book will guide any coder confidently through current modifiers, code changes, additions and deletions with information as dictated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Key Features: Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) appendix. Improve accuracy of claims by ensuring compliance with the CMS program through easy access to codes and their associated MUE units. National average payment tables. Access information to improve claim accuracy and ensure proper reimbursement. Expanded index. Ease code look-up with additional ways to locate codes. Glossary of terms. Increase your understanding of HCPCS codes to improve coding accuracy. Special appendixes. Get additional information with appendixes for the National Average Payment Table for HCPCS and MUEs; listing of PQRS codes; also includes an appendix with a deleted codes crosswalk. Most complete HCPCS code set available. Find information on codes from sources that generates HCPCS codes, including CMS, OPPS addendum B, and the physician fee schedule. Table of Drugs. Locate both generic and brand-name drugs and their corresponding codes based on the amount and route of administration. Additional Features: PQRS icons APC status indicators and ASC designation symbols. DMEPOS icon In-depth illustrations AHA Coding Clinic for HCPCS references Color-coded bars and icons User-friendly appendixes. Navigate additional information easily with structured references and excerpts, including the National Coverage Manual and other Pub. 100 references.
HCPCS 2013 Level II Expert (Hcpcs Level II Expert (Spiral))